Tag: visa

  1. State Department Suspends U.S. Non-Immigrant Visa Processing in Russia

    The State Department has temporarily halted the processing of non-immigrant visa applications in Russia. READ MORE

  2. Travel Ban Update: State Department Expands Definition of “Close Family”

    In June, the United States Supreme Court allowed the implementation of the Travel Ban to proceed with a certain limitation. READ MORE

  3. Yes, Facebook and Twitter Posts Can Forever Ban You From the United States

    American Embassies and Consulates from London to Lisbon to Lebanon and beyond have put into effect the Trump Administration’s determination to implement global extreme vetting for foreign nationals applying for permission to enter the United States. READ MORE

  4. H-1B Visa cap reached in first week… again

    For the 5th consecutive year, the cap was reached in the first week for the H-1B visa, which is the prototypical visa for educated employees wishing to come to the U.S. to work in specialized jobs. In other words, there are 85,000 H-1B visas allowed each year, and the number of applications exceeded that amount in 5 days.  Click here to read more on this.  If you READ MORE READ MORE

  5. Establishing an Employer-Employee Relationship Is Essential for H-1B Visa Purposes

    More companies are using the H-1B visa to hire and retain foreign workers. It allows workers to maintain their permanent residence outside the United States while continuing employment here. However, H-1B visas are capped at 65,000 per fiscal year, which makes them very competitive and difficult to secure. One area where an H-1B visa application might fail is in establishing an employer-employee relationship between the worker and READ MORE READ MORE