Tag: visa

  1. Applying for a Non-Immigrant Fiancé Visa

    The U.S. government understands that relationships do not always adhere to the limits of national borders. If you and a foreign citizen wish to get married and reside together inside the United States, you must follow the strict set of laws that allow you to start the visa application process. In such circumstances, completing the fiancé K-1 non-immigrant visa allows the non-resident to come to the United READ MORE READ MORE

  2. Understanding the Different Categories of Immigrant Visas

    With over 100 visa types available to those looking to enter the United States on a permanent basis, it’s no wonder the immigration process can be extremely confusing for even the most knowledgeable prospective visa holders. Fortunately, a basic understanding of the different immigrant visas available can be gained from dividing the different types into more manageable categories. While other types of immigrant visas exist, the two READ MORE READ MORE

  3. The Significance of Your Student Visa’s Expiration Date

    According to U.S. law, any individual from a foreign country must have a current, non-immigration visa in order to study within the country. Unlike other types of documentation, student visas are considered temporary, meaning that they can have strict limitations on their validity. Those who find themselves in the United States with an expired student visa can find themselves facing serious legal consequences. WHEN ARE YOU AT READ MORE READ MORE