If you have an urgent immigration matter, take a deep breath, and think everything through. We’re here for you. We are your Pennsylvania and New Jersey Immigration Lawyers.

To protect yourself from an urgent immigration matter, carry the Lahoud Law Immigrant Rights Card. Download your Immigrant Rights Card by clicking on the following link: You Have Rights – Your Rights When Stopped By ICE or visit the Lahoud Law Immigrant Rights Summary When Stopped By ICE by clicking here.

You have rights. Protect them. Call Lahoud Law immediately at (484) 544-0022 in Pennsylvania, and, in New Jersey at (908) 821-1868.

Emergencia de Inmigración?

Si usted tiene una urgente cuestión de inmigración, tomar una respiración profunda y pensar todo a través. Para protegerse, llevar el Lahoud Law Tarjeta de derechos de inmigrantes. Descargue su tarjeta de derechos de inmigrantes haciendo clic en el siguiente vínculo: Usted Tiene Derechos, Sus Derechos al Detenido por el Hielo.

Usted tiene derechos. Protegerlos. Llame Lahoud Law inmediatamente al (484) 544-0022 en Pennsylvania or (908) 821-1868 en New Jersey.