Tag: immigration

  1. State Department Suspends U.S. Non-Immigrant Visa Processing in Russia

    The State Department has temporarily halted the processing of non-immigrant visa applications in Russia. READ MORE

  2. Immigration Law Blogs (not intended to be legal advice) - Ray Lahoud, Norris McLaughlin Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, United States of America, Attorney at Law

    Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake Rebukes GOP Plan to Cut Legal Immigration in Half

    Republican Senator attacked the RAISE Act – a bill proposed in the U.S. Senate to cut legal immigration in half and focus almost solely on skilled workers. READ MORE

  3. Immigration Law Blogs (not intended to be legal advice) - Ray Lahoud, Norris McLaughlin Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, United States of America, Attorney at Law

    UPenn Study Finds that GOP Plan to Cut Immigration Will Lower America’s GDP

    A new study shows that cutting immigration in half will reduce the U.S. per capita GDP by .7 percent over the next ten years, and by 2 percent by 2040. READ MORE

  4. You’re Invited to Employers Beware: ICE is Cracking Down on I-9 Compliance!

    Raymond G. Lahoud is presenting a seminar on the significant recent developments with respect to the revised I-9 form. HRCI and SHRM credits are available. READ MORE

  5. TPS Holders: Time to Review Your Status and Future

    Those with current TPS designations nearing expiration seek immigration counsel to assess their status and potential forms of relief. READ MORE