Category: General Immigration

  1. Immigrants are Falling Pray to Social Media

    There is an abundance of misinformation about immigration law and the opportunities available to immigrants. In fact, immigrants are faced with a plethora of misinformation on platforms such as Facebook and Whatsapp, platforms they sadly rely on to their detriment to communicate with their families and obtain “updated news” while embarking on the dangerous journey to the U.S. This reality represents a significant struggle for the immigrant READ MORE READ MORE

  2. How Immigration Could Affect Your Grocery Bill

    Today, the United States is home to the largest immigrant population in the world. While much immigration-related debate centers on social issues, immigration’s economic effects are clear-cut it increases potential economic output by increasing the size of the labor force. While inflation fears grip the U.S., the war in Ukraine has caused skyrocketing costs for farmers here. The price of agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides has risen 50% over the READ MORE READ MORE

  3. Warning For Immigrants: Marijuana Could Impact Your Immigration Status

    As of July 2022, 38 states have legalized the medical use of cannabis to differing degrees. Each jurisdiction has its own criteria regarding what conditions cannabis can be prescribed for, in what amounts, and the process for issuing medical marijuana licenses. Based on this, immigrants may believe using marijuana in a state that has legalized it will not hurt or impact their immigration status. Unfortunately, that is READ MORE READ MORE

  4. Senate Bill #1158 – Immigration and Remittances: What’s to come?

    In a typical year, more than 270 million immigrants living and working abroad send cash transfers, known as remittances, to their home countries. In 2019, two-thirds of all international migrants lived in just 20 countries, with the United States holding the most at 51 million (about 19% of the world’s total). (United Nations). As of 2020, despite the lockdowns that have devastated economies and led unemployment rates to skyrocket, remittances have generally held READ MORE READ MORE

  5. “If I’m Deported, I won’t Survive”: Immigration Challenges Faced by the LGBTQ+ Community

    LGBT people face challenges and unique vulnerabilities that cause many to leave their country of origin and seek refuge in another. Research shows that consensual same-sex conduct remains criminalized in 69 countries, and as many as 11 countries could impose the death penalty upon conviction. (ILGA World, The International Lesbian, Gay, Trans and Intersex Association) Research show that even where such conduct is not criminalized, LGBT people READ MORE READ MORE
