Tag: deported

  1. CBP: Over 50,000,000 Nonimmigrants Entered the United States Last Year. Less than 2% Overstayed Their Welcome.

    A much-anticipated (at least by immigration lawyers) report was recently released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The report, dubbed the “2016 US Entry/Exit Overstay Report,” looks at U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) airport and seaport entry/exit records, crosschecking to see how many temporary visitors may have unilaterally decided to become permanent. READ MORE

  2. Texas Judge Suspended When State Discovered She is a Non-Citizen.

    The State of Texas recently suspended a municipal court judge, when the state learned that she was not a U.S. Citizen—a requirement for appointment, holding most public offices, and voting. Municipal Court Judge Young Min Burkett, a lawful permanent resident since 2007, was first appointed to the bench in 2015. Years later, the local Texas City Council discovered that the judge was not a U.S. Citizen, and immediately put READ MORE READ MORE
