Did You Miss Our Form I-9 Seminar?

Yesterday Ray Lahoud, Chair of our Immigration Law Group, spoke on Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification at our in-house lunch and learn, “Are You I-9 Compliant?”
Ray spoke to a crowd of HR Professionals, business owners, management, and administrators from several organizations and companies. He provided a complete overview of the I-9 process and how to be compliant, including Form I-9 basics and compliantly completing the Form I-9, verification of remote employees, re-verification procedures, internal compliant audits, employer rights and obligations, and more. For more information on the seminar, please click here.
If you have any questions regarding the I-9 process or any other related matters, please contact Ray at RGLahoud@norris-law.com.
Keep a look at for upcoming seminars!