Category: Undocumented

  1. “Driving PA Forward” Seeks to Expand Access to Drivers Licenses for Undocumented Individuals in Pennsylvania

    A Pennsylvania organization, Driving PA Forward, gathered on the steps of the state capitol building in Harrisburg last week to support House Bill 279. If passed, the bill will expand the right for undocumented individuals to obtain drivers licenses in Pennsylvania. Advocates stress that increased licensing of undocumented individuals will provide key relief to undocumented persons, expand insurance coverage, and make Pennsylvania roads safer. Roadblocks for Undocumented READ MORE READ MORE

  2. Birthright Citizenship Debate Brings Fear to New Jersey’s 128,000 US Citizen Children of Unauthorized Immigrants

    With President Trump threatening a Constitutional showdown over the question of “birthright citizenship,” many New Jersey immigrants are concerned about their children—those already born and deemed US Citizens, and those who are to be born. “Birthright citizenship” is the automatic granting of US Citizenship to any child born on US soil, without regard to the citizenship or resident status of the parent. Citing to a 2016 Migration READ MORE READ MORE

  3. Driver’s Licenses for 466,000 New Jersey Undocumented Immigrants Closer to Reality?

    Driver’s Licenses for New Jersey’s undocumented immigrants may have moved a step closer to reality.  In a September interview on NJ 101.5, New Jersey’s Senate President Steve Sweeney endorsed the idea—which was integral in advancing any legislative measure.  While Sweeney did not support any specific legislation, Nicholas Pugliese, staff writer for the Record’s Trenton Bureau, reported that the legislation at the center of the debate in Trenton READ MORE READ MORE

  4. Less Than Half New Jersey Undocumented Immigrant Students Approved for College and University Financial Aid

    In May, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed off on legislation that extended financial aid to many undocumented immigrants in New Jersey.  READ MORE

  5. New Jersey Donor Aids Children of Immigrants Banned from the United States

    Things have changed a lot since 1989.  Now, only a few states issue identifications to those without an immigration status. READ MORE
