Category: Hot Topics

  1. Breaking: Attorney General Rescinds DACA – Hundreds of Thousands of Individuals, Schools, Colleges, and Employers Uncertain What Happens Next

    As expected, the Department of Justice just announced that the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—known as DACA—has been rescinded. READ MORE

  2. Government Shutdown Looms Larger As President Seeks Funding For Border Wall

    Last week, President Trump threatened to force a government shutdown if Congress did not provide funding for a wall along America’s southern border with Mexico. READ MORE

  3. Immigration Law Blogs (not intended to be legal advice) - Ray Lahoud, Norris McLaughlin Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, United States of America, Attorney at Law

    Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake Rebukes GOP Plan to Cut Legal Immigration in Half

    Republican Senator attacked the RAISE Act – a bill proposed in the U.S. Senate to cut legal immigration in half and focus almost solely on skilled workers. READ MORE

  4. Immigration Law Blogs (not intended to be legal advice) - Ray Lahoud, Norris McLaughlin Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, United States of America, Attorney at Law

    UPenn Study Finds that GOP Plan to Cut Immigration Will Lower America’s GDP

    A new study shows that cutting immigration in half will reduce the U.S. per capita GDP by .7 percent over the next ten years, and by 2 percent by 2040. READ MORE

  5. Trump Backs Plan to Severely Cut Immigration

    Today, President Trump announced his support for a U.S. Senate proposal to cut legal immigration in half. READ MORE
