Category: Education

  1. Trump Administration Plans Large Scale Shift in Immigration Laws

    The DHS is now exploring different options to fundamentally transform the immigration system in the United States without legislative action by Congress. READ MORE

  2. With New Academic Year Approaching, Universities and Colleges Must Prepare for Possible Immigration Issues for Foreign and Students Studying Abroad

    Universities across the US must add an additional task to their preparations for the start of the 2017-2018 Academic Year: the Trump Travel Ban. READ MORE

  3. Undocumented Students and the Right to Public Education

    Throughout recent decades millions of individuals have immigrated—both lawfully and unlawfully—into the United States. It is not uncommon for the U.S. government and media to cover the legal implications of immigration, but one topic is all too frequently left out of the spotlight: education. CHALLENGES IN EDUCATING IMMIGRANT STUDENTS According to U.S. law, all minors living within the country’s borders are entitled to an education. Though the READ MORE READ MORE
