Ray Lahoud Featured on the PBS39 News Report

Raymond G. Lahoud, a Member of law firm Norris McLaughlin, P.A., and Chair of its Immigration Practice Group, was featured on the PBS39 News Report “Domestic Abuse Survivors Face Uncertain Future as Government Shutdown Drags On,” which aired on January 17. The report features interviews with both Lahoud and with faculty at Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, a shelter and advocacy group for domestic violence victims and their children. The report highlights the effects the government shutdown is having on many immigration courts, especially those involving domestic abuse complaints, as over 42,000 immigration cases have already been cancelled. Lahoud speaks on some of these issues, as well as the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which includes language to protect immigrant domestic abuse victims from being deported if they choose to separate from their spouse due to abuse. To watch the report, click here!