Newark, New Jersey, Ranks First in the United States for Integration of New Immigrants

In the first-ever comprehensive review of how each of the 100 largest U.S. cities for how each city welcomes immigrants, Newark, New Jersey, ranked first in its ability to integrate immigrant communities into the “fabric of American life.”

The study, released by the bipartisan research and advocacy thinktank, New American Economy, found Newark to be a city that is “starting to rebound after years of job and population loss that resulted in economic instability.”  In Newark,

immigrants are bringing the much-needed skills and entrepreneurial spirit that can help develop a more stable and educated workforce, encourage new business creation, fill vacant housing, and expand local tax bases.  In [Newark], the gap between immigrants and the U.S.-born is much smaller than in the rest of the country when it comes to indicators such as poverty rates, educational attainment, and entrepreneurship rates.

According to the report, Newark would have continued significant downturns, absent the immigrant population.  Immigrants, however, would not have chosen Newark as their home, absent Newark’s ability to integrate them into the “fabric of American life.”

The study looked at each of the 100 cities for policy and socioeconomic conditions, and the impact of both on immigrant populations in the city.  To assess policy issues and immigrant communities, each city was reviewed for local government leadership, economic empowerment, inclusivity, community, and legal support.  The socioeconomic review measured “the disparities in socioeconomic outcomes between immigrants and their U.S.-born counterparts in the top 100 U.S. cities” by evaluating each city’s immigrant community’s job opportunities, economic prosperity, livability, and civic participation.

To read the report, click here.  To learn more about New Jersey’s immigrant population and the legal protections afforded them, or if you have any questions about any other immigration matter, please contact me at

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