Category: DACA

  1. Breaking: Attorney General Rescinds DACA – Hundreds of Thousands of Individuals, Schools, Colleges, and Employers Uncertain What Happens Next

    As expected, the Department of Justice just announced that the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—known as DACA—has been rescinded. READ MORE

  2. Political Fight on DACA Imminent

    The fates of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants will likely be decided in September, when the Trump Administration determines whether it will continue the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program, better known as “DACA.” As reported most recently in CNN, an order from a federal court in Texas instructs that the Trump Administration must decide whether it will cease the DACA program by September 5, 2017; READ MORE READ MORE

  3. Upcoming U.S. Election, Court Cases Could Impact Future of DACA

    While every presidential election has the potential to change the future of those living within a country’s borders, the upcoming 2016 national election in the United States brings a significant amount of uncertainty for young immigrants. In particular, the potential reversal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy could remove many opportunities for undocumented minors. UNDERSTANDING DACA In an effort to protect children who were READ MORE READ MORE

  4. Upcoming U.S. Election, Court Cases Could Impact Future of DACA

    While every presidential election has the potential to change the future of those living within a country’s borders, the upcoming 2016 national election in the United States brings a significant amount of uncertainty for young immigrants. In particular, the potential reversal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy could remove many opportunities for undocumented minors. UNDERSTANDING DACA In an effort to protect children who were READ MORE READ MORE
