Free means we charge zero attorney fees to meet with you for an initial immigration consultation.

We want to hear your story. We want to help. Contact us today for your free, confidential immigration consultation. We are your Pennsylvania and New Jersey Immigration Lawyers.

If you want to travel to the United States for school, work or to start your own business, are in the country with documentation, are facing deportation proceedings, are in deportation court, are in immigration (ICE) custody, fear returning to your native country, manage a small or large business that is in need of access to the global labor force, ensured legal status of your current labor force or are facing an I-9 Verification Compliance Investigation, are a visa overstay, want to immigrate to the United States or bring family members from across the globe to the United States, we can help. We know you have many unanswered questions and that is normal. Immigration Law is complex. You cannot navigate it alone.

The team of immigration law and deportation defense attorneys at Lahoud Law will be happy to discuss your case with you and answer any questions you may have. Your initial immigration consultation is free. So, why not? Contact us: we can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In Pennsylvania, call (888) 440-4USA. You can also email us or fill out our contact form to the left. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you through these trying times.