Lahoud Law Attorneys are your Deportation Defenders, providing counsel on the most complex deportation, removal, exclusion and admissibility cases to clients across the United States.
Lahoud Law is a firm that is dedicated to representing those who may have the smallest of deportation issues to the most complex of federal deportation matters. Key to NM’s growth to the forefront of deportation attorneys across the United States is that, while NM has global capabilities, no case is treated as “minor.” We believe in personalized representation, with experienced attorneys who use modern approaches to solve your deportation problem.
If an Immigration Judge in any one of the many Immigration Courts across America finds an individual is not lawfully in the United States, the person is not automatically deported. All people, including immigrant, have rights. The Immigration & Nationality Act allows that alien to assert one or more of several types of “relief from deportation.” The Immigration Law and Deportation Defense Attorneys at Lahoud Law are well versed in all potential forms of relief, the elements that must be proven for each form of relief and the evidence necessary to establish each respective element.
“It is important that all proper forms of relief are asserted,” notes Deportation Defense Attorney Raymond Lahoud of Lahoud Law, “failure to assert a form of relief or all forms of relief that someone in deportation proceedings may be eligible for at the first hearing will deem that potential relief waived. You need the right attorney from day one.” It is important that one who is in deportation or removal proceedings retain an attorney as soon as the proceedings are commenced, so that all rights are preserved. “The Deportation Defense Team at Lahoud Law must be contacted as soon as an alien or someone’s loved one is arrested by Immigration & Customs Enforcement, because Norris’ attorneys will immediately step into action and fight for the alien,” notes Attorney Lahoud, who counsels individuals and families on all types of deportation situations.
Si usted no está ahora en proceso de deportación y nunca lo ha estado, pero está en los Estados Unidos ilegalmente, ha sido condenado por cualquier tipo de delito o se enfrenta a una condena, los Abogados de Deportación de NM han asesorado a muchos en la misma posición. Muchos inmigrantes - los que están en los Estados Unidos legalmente y los que están ilegalmente - han encontrado consuelo en contratarnos para cualquier problema potencial de inmigración que pueda surgir en el futuro y pueda conducir al inicio de un procedimiento de deportación o inadmisibilidad.
If a case has already started, Lahoud Law steps in quickly, regardless of when the next hearing date is scheduled. From securing a client’s release on reasonable bond to defending the client throughout the entire deportation proceeding process, such as establishing, through an extensive and detailed trial, that a client is eligible for one of many forms of relief from deportation. Lahoud Law expertise is need from the start of a non-immigrant’s criminal case, to that immigrant’s bond hearing and final trial.
Deportation proceedings are commenced in several different manners and there are several forms of relief from deportation from the United States. Contact Lahoud Law if you, a loved one, a family member or a friend is facing deportation from the United States. Lahoud Law litigates deportation matters from start to finish:
- Procedimientos de fianza detenidos
- Parada en el aeropuerto
- Llegada de extraterrestres
- Petición de conclusión del procedimiento
- Cuestionar las pruebas del Gobierno
- Impugnar la carga de la prueba
- Anulación de la expulsión de residentes legales permanentes
- Anulación de la expulsión de residentes permanentes no legales
- Exención 212(c)
- Exención 212(h)
- 237(a)(1)(H) Renuncia
- Visado U
- Visado T
- Visado S
- Adaptación del estatuto
- Solicitud de nacionalidad
- Baja voluntaria
- Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS)
- Registro
- Acción ejecutiva
- Cierre administrativo para proceder a la exención en Estados Unidos
- Cierre administrativo por razones humanitarias
- Solicitud de exención discrecional al Departamento de Seguridad Interior (formulario I-246)
- Solicitudes de discrecionalidad del Fiscal
- Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA)
- Asilo, retención de expulsión y protección en virtud de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Tortura
No pelee su batalla de inmigración solo. Llámenos al (484) 544-0022 para programar una consulta gratuita. En Nueva Jersey, llame al (908) 821-1868.