President Trump Proposes Immigrants Entering United States Border to Be Sent to Sanctuary States

On Saturday, the Trump administration, through a Tweet from @realDonaldTrump at 9:47 p.m., floated the idea of sending all those entering at the border to sanctuary states and cities across the United States, where the president said the states and cities can take “care of” immigrants seeking admission, and in many instances asylum protection, at the United States border with Mexico, at designated ports of entry. While President Trump mentioned the state of California, the states of New Jersey and New York, as well as many townships, cities, and counties throughout Pennsylvania provide “sanctuary” refuge to those without proper immigration documentation to be present in the United States. What would this mean for New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania? Honestly, the proposal, without more, really doesn’t mean anything. If the Administration intends on just bussing people and dropping them off, without more, will not work. Given, Amtrak, I-80, I-78, the New Jersey Turnpike, and the dozens of airports between Pittsburgh and Manhattan, the ease of movement between states across this country makes the proposal unrealistic. That is unless the administration is proposing walls between sanctuary states and non-sanctuary states?
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