Thank you for making a payment to Lahoud Law Group, P.C.
Paying a Bill
If you received a bill from Lahoud Law Group, P.C. and wish to pay the bill or a portion of it, please click on the following link: Pay My Bill.
Pay an Initial Retainer/Adding Funds to Your Escrow
If you are paying an initial retainer or are adding funds to your Escrow Account, please click on the following link: Deposit to Escrow.
Pay a Bill with PayPal or PayPal’s Pay Later Feature
If you would like to pay a bill using PayPal or PayPals’ Pay Later Feature, please click on the following link: PayPal Payments.
Pay a Bill with VENMO
If you would like to pay a bill using VENMO, please click on the following link: Venmo.
Pay by Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna, Link, Cash App Pay, or Amazon Pay
If you would like to pay a bill using Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna, Link, Cash App Pay, or Amazon Pay, please click on the following link: Other Payment Methods.
Thank You.