Categoría: Inmigración general

  1. Private ICE: Private Immigration Detention Centers Remain Despite Biden Admin’s Promise to Abolish

    During his first week in office, President Biden promised to abolish private federal prisons, but his administration specifically targeted criminal detention. This allowed private immigration detention facilities to continue to expand, earning over $1 billion per year from contracts with… READ MORE

  2. ¡Sí, Se Puede! Report Workplace Violations & Be Protected From Retaliation

    “The road to social justice for the farm worker is the road to unionization. Our cause, our strike . . . our international boycott are all founded upon our deep conviction that the form of collective self-help, which is unionization. READ MORE

  3. Parole in Place Program Expands Eligibility to Keep Families United

    On Aug. 19, 2024, the Biden Administration began receiving applications for the new, expanded parole in place program (“PIP”), hoping to allow families to remain together. This new program opens the possibility of legal status for many people in the … READ MORE

  4. Antes de ladrar: Los CDC exigen la vacuna antirrábica y el microchip para viajar con perros

    The CDC recently released new requirements that may affect traveling with your fur baby. Starting Aug. 1, 2024, all dogs traveling into the U.S. will be required to show proof of rabies vaccine and meet the minimum age requirement of … READ MORE

  5. Alerta: Las tasas del USCIS aumentarán a partir del 1 de abril de 2024

    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released their final rule on Jan. 31, 2024, adjusting the price for certain immigration and naturalization fees. Every two years, the USCIS conducts a fee review. … READ MORE
